How To Make Easy French Crepes

Homemade French Crepes

How to make Easy French crepes. Who doesn’t like crepes??? I mean these desserts really give you cravings and are an absolute delight to eat. I’ve been forever eating crepes and the best ones I have had were the ones in Paris. Those crepes really are memories and I can’t forget that taste..I don’t say no to crepes, it doesn’t matter how full I am. Well after eating crepes outside so much, whether I am traveling or even at some of the very good Creperies near me, I decided to make them myself. I mean I was going out eating them at least once a week.

It’s a very simple recipe and can easily be made at home to please your friends and family. It’s also very satisfying to make too. My daughter just knows when I’m making crepes. She would be like ‘Mama that lovely smell, are you making crepes? The good thing with crepes is that you can have it with a variety of toppings or fillings, pretty endless really. Nutella and Banana which is one of my favorites. You can use fruits and berries topped with whipped cream, powdered sugar and the list goes on.

More about these easy French crepes

Also unlike pancake batter the crepe batter is much more runny as you are adding more liquid content (milk). The crepes turn out to be more thinner and delicate as you are not using rising agents like baking powder or baking soda. Another key thing to make your batter perfect is to make sure you whisk really well so you don’t have any lumps. You can use a blender if you want but whisking by hand usually works. Lastly let the batter rest so ingredients get well absorbed and you get a lovely tender bite.

crepe mixture being whisked

When you are cooking your crepes, it is important to warm the pan up and keep the flame on a steady flame, preferably a medium flame. Then brush the pan with melted butter, this will stop the crepes from sticking to the pan. Also to get crepes all evenly sized it is ideal to use a measuring cup when you are pouring the batter into the pan. I like to use 1/4 cup for every crepe and this works perfect for a 10 inch pan. As soon as you pour the batter in, give it a quick swirl so the bottom of the pan is evenly covered and let it cook for 2 minutes until you start to see a few bubbles and then it is ready to flip.

crepe batter swirled around pan
Crepe flipped over after bubbles appear
Crepe flipped over and folded in half

After flipping it once wait for another minute then use your spatula and fold the crepe, so you end up with pretty much a semi circle, or half moon. At this point I like to take the pan off the heat to stop the cooking process and its time to start filling the crepe up.

All the extras

Like I said there are lots fillings and toppings to choose from all depending on your preference. I Love the Nutella and Banana combination so that is what I usually go for. I like to spread the Nutella, like a tablespoon full, however much you like and then top it off with few banana slices and fold the crepe to make it into a quarter. Lastly dust over with some powdered sugar and even a squirt of whipped cream if you like. Enjoy these easy French crepes nice and warm!

nutella and bananas spread on top of crepe half

Homemade French Crepes

Recipe by Shema Course: DessertCuisine: FrenchDifficulty: Easy
Prep time


Cooking time




French crepe recipe


  • 2 eggs

  • 1 tablespoon melted butter and extra for brushing on the pan

  • 1 and a 1/4 cups of milk

  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

  • 1 tablespoon sugar

  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

  • 1 cup all purpose flour


  • 2 bananas peeled and sliced

  • Nutella to spread


  • In a large bowl mix in the flour, sugar and salt.
  • Make a well in the middle and add in the eggs, milk, butter and vanilla extract
  • Using a whisk, mix all ingredients together and leave to stand for 15 mins
  • Warm up a pan and brush with melted butter
  • Pour 1/4 cup of the batter into the pan and swirl around to cover the bottom of the pan
  • On a medium flame cook for 2 minutes and then using a spatula flip over
  • Wait for another minute then fold in half
  • On that half, evenly spread Nutella and add the sliced bananas. Then fold that into a quarter
  • To serve you can sprinkle powdered sugar, top with whipped cream


  • Serve warm

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